5 Reasons to Have a Celebrity Host Your New Comedy Night

Organizing a comedy night can be a rewarding experience. You are bringing together people who adore the same craft, as well as an audience to take part in the revelry. Normally, the emcee or host of comedy nights are the organizer, or a hired comedian. But what if you hired a celebrity to host instead? Here are 5 reasons why this is an excellent idea. 

  1. Your Marketability Increases

Comedy nights are as common as quarters and dimes. They can range from open mics for beginners and amateurs to line-ups of successful but not-yet-famous comedians. Hiring a celebrity host vastly improves your ability to market an event beforehand. Through use of social media marketing strategies, you will be able to tap into the celebrity’s fanbase, increasing the visibility of the event, and igniting the possibility of greater attendance. 

  1. You Can Charge Higher For Ticket Sales

Hiring a celebrity to host any type of event can come at a steep price. The good thing is that with a higher-profile participant, you are entitled to raise the price of the tickets in order to either facilitate the hiring of that celebrity, or simply to draw in higher profits. Remember that while we are taught to believe that value is concrete and quantifiable, it is actually very subjective. Some may complain that they can’t afford to attend, but there will always be someone who can, particularly with a famous host. 

  1. You Are Offering the Performing Comedians an Excellent Opportunity

Comedians performing at a comedy night showcase probably don’t have ample opportunities to speak with a celebrity. Sure, if they are performing in Los Angeles or New York City, there are chances you can bump into a famous person anywhere. This is different, however, from being on the same performance bill as someone. While it’s important to make sure your hired comedians don’t go overboard with the celebrity, it’s still a great opportunity to connect and interact with someone performing at a higher level. 

  1. You’re Highlighting the Venue

The venue owner is likely to be very grateful that their place is getting good press, attention, and attendance after the inclusion of a celebrity in their program. It is critical that you make sure the venue you book is able to accommodate the predicted uptick in attendees from implemented marketing strategies to make sure the event is safe. You want to make sure you’re highlighting a successful event and not a tragic disaster. 

  1. You Need to Stand Out

As said, comedy nights are common, and sadly, underwhelming at times. It’s likely that if you’re organizing an event in a big metropolitan area, there could be a dozen other similar events going on at the same time. A celebrity host makes your event stand out from the crows immediately, and with emphasis. While it takes a greater financial investment to facilitate, the return on that investment can be incredible. 

If you’re looking for an excellent and budget-friendly celebrity to host your next comedy night, consider the incredible Angelique Bates

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